Friday, December 27, 2019

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Break through digital distractions to make a real connection

Break through digital distractions to make a real connectionBreak through digital distractions to make a real connectionEver conducted a meeting only to find yourself looking at the tops of digitally distracted heads?Have you ever used your device or checked it for messages while another person spoke?Digital distractions have become the new workplace normal. Having 24/7 access to emails, texts, and calls is considered a competitive advantage in the business world. While real-time communication is beneficial, devices pose a challenge for leaders to maintain and grow influence with clients, colleagues, and employees. Many clients express concern that technological distractions make it difficult to capture their teams attention. They also worry the overuse of digital communication creates inefficiencies as it lacks the clarity other communication methods provide. Leaders I work with recognize the challenge of growing their influence when others are too distracted to tune in to what they have to say.Surveys indicate two out of three people dont know how to stop others from insensitive technology use. Here are eight ways leaders can unplug from digital distractions, use it to grow their level of influence and teach employees how to disconnect from technology and plug into conversations that matter.Create a no-phone zoneFew things are as challenging to communication than the ongoing distractions of phone alerts, chirps and calls. Studies have shown people who switch back and forth between tasks, such as listening and texting, can lose up to 50% of efficiency and accuracy. Their ability to pay attention to what is being said in an accurate and clear manner becomes challenged. To combat this problem in meetings, consider creating a no-phone zone. Request phones are left behind, silenced or turned off entirely throughout meetings. Ask everyone to keep phones out of site so undivided attention can be respectfully given to the speaker or topic of discussion.Hang up the em ail. Pick up the phoneProfessionals are far too dependent upon email to be their source of communication. The back-and-forth dialogue of emails can be time-consuming and create more confusion than clarity. They lack the tone needed for listeners to understand what is truly being said. Challenge yourself and employees to refrain from emails when a simple phone call would do. Implement a rule of thumb that if an email is going to require three or more exchanges to clarify a question or message, pick up the phone instead.One conversation at a timeFew things signal a lack of respect as a listener taking a phone call while someone is talking. No matter if youre in a meeting or a simple hallway conversation, taking phone calls during another conversation is off limits. Silence incoming calls while others are talking. Refrain from interrupting to take a call or send a text. If you are expecting an important call, preface the information at the beginning of the conversation so expectations are respectfully set.Out of sight. Out of mindWhen conducting one-on-ones, hosting client luncheons or coaching employees, refrain from having your phone in sight. The mere presence of a phone creates a subconscious expectation of interruptions and distractions. It can prevent you and your listener from truly connecting in a deep, meaningful manner. Studies show the significance and depth of conversation increases substantially when smartphones were absent from sight. By keeping the phone out of sight, everyone can remain focused on conversation, verbal and non-verbal messages.Text to thank, not to talkFew things are harder to understand and easier to misinterpret than a text message. No matter how many emojis are used, text is absent of tone and vocal inflections while littered with acronyms and shorthand not everyone understands. Instead of talking to someone via text message, pick up the phone and call. The five-minute conversation could save a countless amount of time back-and-f orth text messages steal. If you want to increase your influence with text messaging, use it only for meeting and appointment confirmations or to thank someone for their time.Disconnect to connectWith so many digital communication options available, its no wonder we rely on them more often than traditional means of connecting. If a leader wants to truly grow their influence and earn employee trust, its better to disconnect from devices and connect face-to-face. Get out of the office and visit employees in their workspace. Get to know your team by learning their preferred methods of communication. Learn how individual employees like to be recognized and do so accordingly.Be the exception, not the ruleIn a world where everyone is using digital devices, be the exception, not the rule. Rely on your digital devices only for research, reports and quick tasks. When it comes to conversations, leave the device at the door. Instead, use face-to-face conversations to engage with others. Utiliz e your active listening skills to better connect with others. Communication skills such as eye contact, posture, and body language can help you gain trust from others, build credibility and make a real connection digital devices cant.Lead by exampleIf a leader wants to improve overall team communication, they must lead by example. The notion that tone comes from the top rings true. If leaders want their employee interactions to be more meaningful, they must incorporate these rules first. When leaders choose face-to-face communication over digital methods, employees recognize the value their leader has on personalized connections. When leaders respect the time of others by ensuring devices dont cause distractions, employees will do the same. If leaders utilize active listening skills when connecting with others, employees will too.Are you ready to stop digital distractions and make a real connection? Begin by implementing these eight ideas into your workday. Encourage employees to do the same. Establish workplace ground rules and begin challenging your team to connect with each other by unplugging from devices.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

3 Job Search Tips That Got Me My 1st Job

3 Job Search Tips That Got Me My 1st Job3 Job Search Tips That Got Me My 1st JobWouldnt it be great to instantly do all the things the job search pros say you should do confidently youre your achievements in the best resume format, make yourself easy to find when it comes to LinkedIn for job search, and get up from behind that computer and get out thereLets concentrate on the get up from behind the computer part. Im going to illustrate this case study for you because back when I did it, the Internet had not been invented. I searched for and landed my 1st job the old-fashioned way. I was 13 years old, and I repeated some version of this method every single time throughout my adult life.I was a bookworm always in the public library. Thats where I noticed another kid from my school reshelving books. He and I werent really friends, but we knew each other. His name was Phil. I walked up to Phil and said, So, how did you get the job working here? He gave me the name of the part in charge, I presented myself, talked about my education, activities, love for English, love for books, and willingness to work there. Voila. Hired.Guess what? This is a classic example of a hidden job. There was no ad. There was no resume. The only thing that existed was a need that the company had to fulfill. Here are the hidden job market secrets for you to apply in your own job search1) Networking is not a dirty word.The 1 job search approach according to virtually every expert Ive known since Ive been in this business for 16 years now is networkNetworkNETWORK. But you dont want to do that. Or you think its hard. Or you anticipate too much effort. Or you think your network is dead.None of unterstellung need to be true for you. If you get out of bed every day and leave your home, you have a network. Your network is in the places you frequent. I happened to frequent the library. I also happened to frequent my school every day. All those people kids and adults knew me. Though Phil was not a good friend, he had some awareness of the level of classes I took and the circle of friends I had, enough to say to his boss (and my potential boss) that yes, Id be pretty good for the job.2) Youve already probably been in or had contact with your ideal employer.A sales person will tell you its easier to sell something additional to an old client, than find a new client and sell something to them. The saatkorn concept applies to job search. Look around you to see where you are, then look behind you to see where youve been. Those are your old clients.Reach out to a former employer and let her know youre back on the market. The person knows you, so its okay to expressly state that youd be interested to know if shes aware of any opportunities. There are even more avenues to explore when you consider who your former employers vendors were. (At a future moment Ill post about how I went through a vendor to find another job.) Once again, they know you. Pick up the phone and do something c razy like start a conversation.3) The hidden job market is all about thinking ahead.If youre only thinking about jobs that are open, youre behind the 8 ball. I looked at what that other person in the library was doing and thought there probably was another position to do the same thing. Then I asked. And there was. And there was NOT a pile of 1,000 people who submitted their resumes for the job.Think of a need in an organization youre familiar with. Inquire. You can show up in person, have a discussion at a professional seminar, or make contact some other way. Discuss what the need may be, and how you can contribute immediately. This will prove to be the most fruitful job search method in your career.While you definitely need the tools of today the best resume, a professional CV, and a LinkedIn profile, understand they are tools for people to have a document that says more about you. The key word in the previous sentence is YOU, and the tools support you, they dont replace you. Loo k at places where you go, evaluate where youve been, and talk to people about what they need and how you can help.Id love to hear any non-traditional way you landed a job. Maybe its something we can all take a lesson from Please share your story in the comments.

Friday, December 13, 2019

The evolution of the human brain explains how we got so fat

The evolution of the human brain explains how we got so fatThe evolution of the human brain explains how we got so fatIts strange that we havent come up with a better way of neatly explaining the origin of life to skeptics other than The Big Bang. For one thing, the term welches coined somewhat in jest by one of the theorys staunchest detractors. During a 1949 BBC radio broadcast, astronomer Fred Hoyle (who was all about the continuous expansion theory) was the first to utter the moniker, in an attempt to illustrate how implausible the whole thing was, yet to this day, academicians and civilians alike privilege the title over all others. Whats more, as many have already pointed out, the name actually does a disservice to the content of the theory, with Big implying size even though space wasnt a thing when it occurred-technically speaking, and there wasnt actually a Bang.The popularity of the pet name neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket, but it does seem to roll off the tongues of dense-talking-snake-enthusiasts with irritating ease. I mostly feel bad for the people that dedicate their lives to relevant breakthroughs breakthroughs that sometimes offer only a single clue to the most pressing Who Done It? case of all time. Its an exciting thing to watch from the sidelines, thousands of cosmologist, physicists and podcast hosts eagerly lining up to add one more pixel to a canvas that is dispiritingly closer to being vacant than it is to being completed. I recall physicist and director of the NASA Institute for Universal Biology, Nigel Goldenfeld,who applied physics and aufstrebend states of matter to an equation that is usually only discussed in biological terms.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreEvery once in awhile pioneering research on the subject is less about populating the frame and more about acquiring the tools to make a new one, as is the case wi th a new report published this year in the jurnal Genome Biology and Evolution.Second only to how did we get here? Is how did we get so fat? Our scrappy simian cousins may only be a chromosome away from us but were worlds apart as far as body fat is concerned. Its not uncommon for a healthy adult human body to be composed of anywhere between 14% to 31% body fat compared to the 9% body fat found on an average chimpanzee. At some point, after humans split with other primates in the evolutionary tapestry, the method in which the former packaged DNA in their fat cells altered drastically. The end result, according to Devi Swain-Lenz, a postdoctoral associate in biology at Duke University and the lead researcher behind the new study, hindered our ability to turn white fat into brown fat.Brown fat vs. White fatWhite adipose tissue (often referred to as white fat) is segmented by two different variations, visceral fat or subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat refers to the white fat stored within the abdominal cavity and located near several vital organs, including the liver, intestines, and stomach while subcutaneous fat is the stuff located just beneath the skin, the stuff that gathers around our waists and gifts us beer bellies, thunder thighs and so forth. White fat like brown fat serves its purpose but an excess of it is a pretty reliable predictor for several serious illnesses. Too much subcutaneous fat will companion traditionally undesirable features, but an increased build-up of visceral fat is the one you have to worry about, as this is the one associated with increased risk for conditions like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and even depression. Conversely, brown and similarly beige fat, the former of which is primarily found in the upper neck and upper back, helps us burn calories, generate heat and regulate our body temperature. Lean people tend to have a much larger reserve of brown fat than overweight people do, though evolution has collectively curbed our ab ility to fund the conversion.A collection of fat samples abstracted from chimps, humans and rhesusmacaques monkeys was compared by Swain-Lenz and Duke biologist Greg Wray with the help of a technique called ATAC-seq. The researchers noted around 780 DNA regions that had become bunched in humans but were still accessible to the other primate species observed in the study. Upon further inspection, it was revealed that the genomes that better enabled us to convert calorie storing white fat to beige or brown fat were effectively tucked away.Weve lost some of the ability to shunt fat cells toward beige or brown fat, and were stuckverzierung down the white fat pathway. Its still possible to activate the bodys limited brown fat by doing things like exposing people to cold temperatures, but we need to work for it.Swain-Lenz told India Today.The human brain has just about tripled in size since we branched off from the other primates six to eight million years ago. To support this urgent rate of growth, our bodies began to produce more white fat than brown fat, as the human brain requires an exorbitant amount of energy (more than any other tissue in fact.) This fascinating retcon behind why weve become considerably less sinewy than chimps might additionally provide some useful insights into the ever-present obesity crisis, though Swain-Lenz cautions us against holding our breath for a super solution to our obesity problem.Maybe we could figure out a group of genes that we need to turn on or off, but were still very far from that, Swain-Lenz continued. I dont think that its as simple as flipping a switch. If it were, we would have figured this out a long time ago,

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What You Dont Know About Uf Resume Help

What You Dont Know About Uf Resume Help Why Alfruchtwein Everything Youve Learned About Uf Resume Help Is Wrong There are a lot of choices out there for getting help with your resume to make sure the last draft will receive a second look by employers. Youre made to include everything, and the result is usually a resume that doesnt capture interest since it is not focused. Even if youre sending your resume to a business in the exact segment, the individual who will read it for the very first time may not have any technical expertise. Think about getting expert help If youre having a difficult time to create your resume, or in case youre receiving no response whatsoever from companies, you could look at choosing a professional resume writing service. Its also important to think about the sort of work you really wish to be hired to do. The very first thing youll have to do is gather all of the info youve got about you and which may be included in a resume. The very first thing which you want to do is go back and have a look at the job which youre applying for and determine your intended audience. It is possible to follow resume examples to get inspired, but you have to never copy somebody elses work. Deciding upon the most suitable words to describe job performance is very important. Choosing which to use depends upon the kind of job that you are applying for and your degree of experience. When work history isnt directly related to ones present employment objective, a Combination format is probably the very best approach. However much or what type of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. You can better your likelihood of getting interviews by composing specific resumes for various businesses. Possessing a well-developed resume is the initial step in landing work. If you have sufficient experience and would like to demonstrate how much you have worked in a particular field, you can decid e to earn a chronological resume. The Most Popular Uf Resume Help Careful with sample resume templates There are lots of sites that provide free resume templates. When submitting a web-based copy of your resume, it may wind up in an employer database. If youve got your own site, add your resume there also. Scannable resumes need specific page designs because computer scanners cannot read certain products. Use verbs that most accurately describe what you wish to convey to a possible employer. First youll need to determine which sort of resume is appropriate to symbolize your experience. Now imagine whether that SAME resume had had a summary statement on top clearly outlining why youre the ideal candidate. You might not know whether the company has a job opening, but you want them to know that youre available and your experience and talents may be an asset to their firm. Theres a great chance it wont include all the keywords set out in the work description. After you have p repared and submitted your resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend work interview to go over further whether youre going to be suitable. A lot of people dont like their existing job or career. Concentrate on these sections to understand whether you meet the requirements for the position. Ensure you give your resume to your recruiter, and be mindful that they may request that you make changes to fulfill their specifications. As soon as youve written the most suitable content, choose a design which best shows off your specific capabilities and fits the position youre seeking. If it comes to resumes, you will discover a lot of website providing high normal examples of resumes which may serve you as model for a professionally written letter. Resume Wording Keyword Tips Resume keywords can be hugely important and are a crucial part of expert quality resume wording. Resumes are rather predictable in features and data, but some choices need to be made.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tips for First-Time Recruiters

Tips for First-Time RecruitersTheRecruitingReel Episode 3 is live Featuring greg_savage and AllThingsBiz Watch it hereClick To TweetThis episode of The Recruiting Reel is a must-watch for first-time recruiters. Greg Savage, a recruiting guru, provides tips for new recruiters so they can grow and thrive in their recruitment careers.Heres the transcript of the episode Josh Tolan My anthroponym is Josh Tolan and Im the CEO of Spark Hire, the leading video interviewing platform used by thousands of organizations around the world.And this is The Recruiting Reel, a video series in which we discuss real recruiting challenges with prominent recruiting experts to provide you with actionable tips you can apply to your own recruiting.Todays show features Greg Savage, a global recruiter with 35 years of experience owning, managing, and growing staffing businesses across the world. Hes the founder of leading recruitment companies such as Firebrand Talent Search, People2People, and Recruitment Sol utions. Recently, Greg was voted as the most influential recruiter in Australia in the past 60 years. So listen up because he has some powerful insight to offer.Todays topic is Tips for First-Time Recruiters. And there is no better person to provide these tips than the man himself, Greg Savage. So without any further adieu, Id like to hand it off to GregGreg Savage Youre a new recruiter and Im going to give you two tips.The first is this There is a secret formula about success in recruitment. Not many people know it, Im going to tell you. The formula is lots of appropriate activity. In this business you have got to do a lot of the right things. Those things will be typical things like interviews, client visits, phone calls, but that will also be things to do with social media, sharing, and brand building. But its not only about activity, its the quality of that activity. You have got to be working continuously to learn about finessing your skills getting better at the craft of rec ruitment. Its activity and its the quality of that activity and the third part of the secret formula Im telling you which will make you rich and famous is target market. Youve got to do a lot of activity of a high quality but youve got to do it with the right people Theres no point in visiting customers who are never going to give you business. Theres no point interviewing candidates who do not have the skills that are in demand in your marketplace. That is the golden secret that even experienced recruiters dont know, and Im telling you for nothing Quality. Activity. And doing it with the right people.My final tip from day 1 Never ever mess with your reputation. The only thing you will have when you move from job to job is your reputation. Your reputation is made up of moments of truth. Those being the interactions you have with clients and candidates. Remember its not only the candidates you help its the ones you dont help. Treat people with respect, do what you say youre going to do, never screw anyone over, and in the long-run your reputation will get you there. Have a great career in recruiting its cool if you doJosh Tolan And now you know why Greg has experienced this much success. That was awesome. My key takeaway from thatGet in the way of opportunities. Perform lots of high quality and targeted activity to ensure youre always in the best ort to succeed. And, always be mindful of your reputation. Following this formula, youll be on your way to a successful career in recruiting.I want to thank Greg Savage for being the featured expert on our show today. I encourage you guys to visit his website at and follow him on Twitter, greg_savage.Thanks for watching the third episode of The Recruiting Reel. I want to point out that our first 3 episodes have featured experts from 3 different continents. We really appreciate all the support and are excited to keep it rolling. For additional HR and recruiting content, head over to and subscribe to our newsletter. Also, follow us on Twitter, sparkhire. And subscribe to our YouTube channel to be the first to know about the newest episodes of The Recruiting Reel.Happy recruiting

Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to Interview for a Job When Youre an Older Worker

How to Interview for a Job When Youre an Older WorkerHow to Interview for a Job When Youre an Older Worker10Over 40 and searching for a new career? Prepping to bewerbungsgesprch for a job? Some career experts suggest that older workers shouldnt be surprised if they encounter age discrimination. While the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) forbids discrimination against those 40+ during the hiring process, as well as once on the job, some hiring managers may hold unconscious biases against older applicants. Some may believe, for example, that veteran workers are behind the times when it comes to new technologies or less energetic than their younger counterparts.For this reason, its important to approach job interviews thoughtfully when youre a more seasoned professional.Here are some dos and donts for workers of a certain age who dont want age discrimination to be a factor when they interview for a job.How to Interview for a Job When Youre an Older WorkerUse your expe rience to your best advantage.Older workers bring many benefits to the table over younger candidates, including a longer work history. Use this experience to wow your interviewers by focusing on how your past positions have positioned you perfectly for the current job. Some advance planning by practicing potential interview questions can go a long way with this one.Keep your attitude in check.Older workers and younger workers alike may sometimes fall prey to revealing a problematic attitude during their interview. If you find yourself sitting across from a twenty-something interviewer, your ego may kick in, causing you to present yourself in an unfavorable light. Even if you feel like you have more experience than someone younger who may be part of the hiring committee or even your future boss, be sure to keep your attitude positive. Focus on the companys needs and what you can do to help the team achieve them.Give your resume an overhaul.If it has been a while since youve been on t he job market, you might need to start from scratch in the resume department. You want to be sure that your resume does notlage appear outdated or inappropriate when it comes to use of current formats and technologies. If youre uncertain about the best way to present information on your resume, consider consulting with a professional resume service to have it revised or rewritten. Having something updated and fresh for employers to peruse during your job interviews will go a long way to aid your job search.Be social-media savvy.In todays job search, having an up-to-date resume is no longer enough to land an interview, which is the first step to successfully interviewing. Research from Bullhorn has shown that almost all recruiters and staffing professionals now rely on social media sites- like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+- when seeking job candidates. As a starting point, if you havent already done so, create a LinkedIn profile to indicate your industry and job history. If you fee l uncomfortable navigating certain sites, social media experts can help you craft a professional page to attract the attention of potential employers.While job searching as an older candidate can present some unique challenges, you can overcome them by anticipating potential pitfalls, identifying your strengths, and taking the time you need to thoroughly prepare for your interview.Looking to change careers? Start your job search here

Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 Social Media Photos to Avoid Using During a Job Search

5 Social Media Photos to Avoid Using During a Job Search5 Social Media Photos to Avoid Using During a Job SearchAs a job seeker, you know how important it is to put your best foot forward during your job search. One of the ways to do just that is by having a great profile photo on your social media channels that represents you in the best light. Problem is, many times, what one person might consider flattering, another could perceive as a huge faux pas. If you want to be successful during your job hunt (i.e., land a job), below are five social media photos to avoid using during a job search.Five social media posts to avoid during a job searchStart your search for a flexible job here1. The Party Girl (or Guy) PhotoSure, you looking slamming in that party pic, but posting a photo of yourself at a party is a definite job search no-no. While no potential boss expects you to never ever go to a party, you shouldnt advertise your busy social calendar online, either. And that especially goes for any photo in which youre holding a glass of anything that could be construed as beer, wine, liquor, etc., as these can get your job application pitched to the trash can ASAP.2. A SelfieWhether you love them or hate them, selfies (and their sticks) are here to stay. That doesnt mean that you have to use a selfie as your social media photo, though. After all, your boss-to-be doesnt need to see you taking a shot of yourself using your bathroom mirror (and spying all the clutter on your bathroom counter, to boot). Grab a friend or family member to take a nice photo of you with a clean, well-lit background- and save the selfies for your private Facebook page.3. Your Wedding PhotoWhile you might have made a beautiful bride (or groom), you dont want to use a wedding pic as your social media photo. For starters, depending on when you got married, the picture could date you (e.g., your poofy taffeta 80s wedding dress can give it away), and you dont want to give a potential boss a glimps e into your personal life before hes even had the chance to call you in for a job interview. That said, you should get dressed up for your social media job search photo, though. Men should wear a suit and women can wear either a dress, or a blouse and a skirt or pants, to make them look as professional as possible.4. A Family Photo You color-coordinated all of your outfits to match, and the photo of you with your family got a ton of likes on Facebook. Surely, its good enough for your job search social media profiles, right? Wrong. Employers arent really allowed to ask you if you have children or not, but posting a photo of your kids automatically answers that question for them. Unfortunately, some hiring managers have a bias against job seekers who have children, and might pass over your (very qualified) job application in favor of a childless candidate. Yes, its illegal, but it does happen. So let a potential boss judge you by your skills, qualifications, and prior work experiences - not the number of children he can count in your family photo- and opt for a pic of just you.5. A Quote-Filled PhotoYou live by the mantra Carpe diem. But that doesnt mean that it has to be the first thing a hiring manager sees when he searches up your social media profiles. Try to avoid using quotes as photos- and ditto for adding them at the end of your email signature, too. Keep it simple and straightforward by using an image of yourself in a well-lit environment with a clean background- and seize the day instead by focusing your efforts on having a great job search that puts you in the best light possible.During any job search, there are always a bunch of dos and donts. But make sure your search goes smoothly by posting the right pics of yourself- and avoiding the wrong social media photos.Readers, have you ever posted one of the dont social media photos above? Did you find that it affected your search? Let us know in the comments belowphoto credits

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Licensed Practical Nurse - LPN Job Description

Licensed Practical Nurse - LPN Job DescriptionLicensed Practical Nurse - LPN Job DescriptionA licensed practical nurse cares for sick, injured, convalescing, or disabled patients. He or she works under the direction of registered nurses. A licensed practical nurse is commonly called an LPN. An alternative job title for this occupation is licensed vocational nurse, often abbreviated as LVN. Quick Facts Licensed practical nurses earn amedian annual salaryof $45,030 (2017).724,500 people are employed in this occupation (2016).Most work in nursing and residential care facilities and hospitals.Jobs are usually full-time, butabout 20 percent of LPNs work part-time.The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts an excellent job outlook for this occupation. The government agency gives it the Bright Outlook designation which it reserves for professions with the best prospects for the future. Employment is expected to grow faster than the average for all occupations between 2016 and 2026. A D ay In a Licensed Practical Nurses Life Job announcements onIndeed.comrevealed that LPNs have the following job duties Performtechnical patient care and related clerical functions in the urgent care situation by coordinating all elements of the patient visit.Work collaboratively with an interdisciplinary team to ensure the needs of each resident are met.Obtainand documentpatient histories.Observethe resident for change in physical, social, or mental position and document signs and symptoms and status of residents and related matters through written/oral reports to RN/RN Manager/ Supervisor/ Designee/ Medical Staff and Family as indicated. Assure proper procedures are followed at all times.Assist and oversee distribution of food trays. Education and Licensing Requirements The first step toward fulfilling theeducational requirementsfor aspiring LPNs is the completion of a state-approved, year-long, training program in nursing. These programs are usually offered by technical and vo cational schools or community and junior colleges. Some high schools, four-year colleges and universities, and hospitals also provide training for aspiring LPNs. Formal training consists of a combination of classroom study and supervised clinical practice. After finishing school, you will have to pass the National Council Licensure Examination, or NCLEX-PN. The NCLEX-PN is a computer-based exam that is administered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. What Soft Skills Do You Need? In addition to formal education andtechnical skills, specificsoft skills, abilities with which you were either born or developed through life experience, will allow you to succeed in this field. InterpersonalYou must be able to establish a rapport with your patients.CompassionIt is essential that you care about your patients well-being and can demonstrate this through your actions.CommunicationExcellent speaking and listening skills are imperative.Problem Solving You will need the abilit y to recognize problems and come up with solutions to rectify them.Attention to DetailSince small mistakes can have dire consequences, it is essential to pay careful attention to even the smallest details. The Difference Between an LPN and RN Both licensed practical nurses and registered nurses provide direct patient care for patients in healthcare facilities, butthey have different job duties and education, training, and licensing requirements. Their jobs include providing basic care and monitoring patients health. LPNs have restrictions regarding some specific duties, depending on the state in which they work. In some states,they are allowed to provide more advanced care like administering medication and setting up intravenous drips, while in others they are permitted to perform these tasks only under an RNs supervision. RNs and LPNs both need formal training but registered nurses must earn abachelors of science degree,associate degree, or a diploma in nursing. This usually m eans spending between two and four years in school. More rigorous training and greater responsibilities mean a higher salary for registered nurses than for LPNs. They earn a median annual salary of $70,000 (2017). How LPNs Can Advance Experienced licensed practical nurses sometimes supervise nursing assistantsand aides. Some LPNs become credentialed in specialty areas such as IV therapy, gerontology, long-term care, and pharmacology. Licensed practical nurses can also enroll in LPN-to-RN training programs to become registered nurses. What Employers Will ExpectFrom You Job announcements on listed the following requirements in addition to training and experience Maintaina professional attitude and dress at all timesFamiliarity with medical terminologyComputer literacy a mustCapacity to assist/lift individuals with physical disabilities and/or limited mobilityAbility to stand for extended periodsAbility to elicit and discuss personal information in a non-judgmental m anner Is This Career a Good Fit for You? For a career to be suitable, it should match yourinterests,personality type, andwork-related values. Do aself assessmentto find out if you have the following traits Interests(Holland Code) SRC(Social, Realistic, Conventional)Personality Type(MBTI PersonalityTypes) ESFP, ESFJ, ISFJ, orISFPWork-Related Values Relationships, Support, Achievement Take This Quiz Should You Become a Licensed Practical Nurse? Occupations With Related Activities and Tasks TitleDescriptionAnnual Salary (2017)Educational RequirementsVeterinary TechnicianAssists veterinarians in caring for animals$33,400Associate Degree in Veterinary TechnologySurgical TechnologistAssists the members of an operating room team$46,310Associate Degree, Diploma, or Certificate in Surgical TechnologyRespiratory TherapistTreats people who have cardiopulmonary disease$59,710Associate or Bachelors Degree in Respiratory Therapist Sources Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Lab or,Occupational Outlook Handbook Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,O*NETOnline(visited August 10, 2018).